+13 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

I'd llike to challenge the announcment made during the rules presentation about having 2 robot for Legend teams.

The good points

  • Historically, teams with experience of the contest had the time to develop 2 robots, so having two robot will let them use this second robot they worked on.
  • From a spectacle stand point, having 4 robot on the table should be more dynamic.

The bad points

  • If, like last year, Legends play with non-legend teams, they will have to keep one robot aside during qualifications.
    • This second robot will play fewer matchs, be less tested, might not justify its development time.
  • Legend team will be seen as advantaged to have 2 robot, thus being less inspiring and reachable.
  • We might not want to have Legend-specific rules, both for the clarity of the rules, than for the systems (like poolzor) that will need special conditions.
  • There is already great challenges this year (elements, pamis, ...) and having legends develop 2 robots while being invested in their assistance/communication/... tasks might not be easy.
  • Readability of matchs with more than 2 robot is known to be tricky


I would limit Legend teams to 1 robot, ust like every other teams. Do you agree?
by (0 points)

As a Legend Team, we fully support the idea of limiting Legend teams to one robot, in alignment with other teams. Here are a few reasons why we believe this is a beneficial approach:

Equal Opportunities: Ensuring that all teams, regardless of their status as Legends or Seniors, have the same opportunities during the competition promotes fairness. It levels the playing field and encourages healthy competition.

Facilitating Integration: Limiting Legend teams to one robot makes it easier to integrate Legends with Senior teams during the competition.

Encouraging Innovation: For teams used to developing two robots, we believe that it will push them to focus on making that single robot more advanced and efficient. This can lead to innovative solutions and a more impressive show for the public.

Team Edog <3

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good evening.

After a lot of discution, only 1 robot is allowed for the Legend league.

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