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in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

Two questions regarding emergency buttons.

First about the ladybugs. Can you use a push button connected to a microcontroller that when pressed stops all movement? It will still abide by all the other rules(red,2cm diameter, etc) but would it be fine not to cut the power but stop everything with logic?

The second is about the remote computing and observation device. Even if there are no actuators is there still a need for an emergency button. The device will only have a computer,cameras, sensors and a battery.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer

If the button is correct regarding the rules (color / size / action), it is valid.
So yes you can use a button if it stops the the ladybug when pressing the button.

Fot the remote computing device, you need a emergency button if there is an actuator of a powerfull light source.

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