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in Registrations - Inscriptions by (0 points)
Hi. I am little bit confused about registration for Eurobot 2024. My team is from Czech Republic and have two person. When is date for registration? I ony found registration for eurobot junior. Very thanks for responding.

1 Answer

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by [Admin] (500k points)
Best answer
You can find all information there: https://www.eurobot.org/how-to-participate-to-eurobot-finals/

Registration process is the same for Eurobot and Eurobot Junior, you just have to select the corresponding contest on the registration software.

The deadline for independent teams was on December 31th, but I checked it was not clearly written on the website, we have to fix that!

But don't worry, we have a process for late registrations, you can send an email to registration@eurobot.org with your contact information, we can still register your team.
by (0 points)
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