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ago in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

I notice that there are two small constrcution areas and one big construction area. It seems obvious that we can make only one construction is each small area but is there a limit in the big construction area ?

Additionnal question: Is it possible to make constrcution in the arrival area (if we imagine we put the robot + a construction in the arrival area) ?

In French (automatic translation):
Je remarque qu'il y a deux petites zones de construction et une grande zone de construction. Il semble évident que nous ne pouvons faire qu'une seule construction dans chaque petite zone, mais y a-t-il une limite dans la grande zone de construction ?

Question supplémentaire : Est-il possible de faire des constructions dans l'aire d'arrivée (si on imagine qu'on met le robot + une construction dans l'aire d'arrivée) ?

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by [Referee] (100k points)
selected ago by
Best answer

I let you check the plan in page 7 to see where are all the construction area, and let you check the size of the area and the game element before answer you. ^^
ago by [Referee] (100k points)

Just to help Valentin with the counting:

There is two Starting and Construction Areas (1) per Team and two small construction areas (3)

There is no maximum limit of Tribunes as long as they are valid in that area.

Make sure to double check when the final rules get published

ago by (0 points)
ok it is clear !!
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