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in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

Once the referee confirms that the surface of the banner is valid (>500 mm wide, > 250 mm high), if the banner is not completely rectangular, what surface of the banner is used to determine the horizontal projection, and therefore see over which construction zones it projects, and consequently, which team(s) scores the 20 points?

For example, suppose that the banner had a trapezoidal shape, 600 mm at the top (just at the height of the playing area) and 700 mm at the bottom, 300 mm below the playing field, that is, it is wider in its lower part (and also meets the minimum required area). Then, will the 600 mm of the upper part (that are at the height of the playing area) be used to be projected horizontally, or will the 700 mm, (that is, the widest part of the banner), be used instead?


1 Answer

0 votes
ago by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good morning,

We take all the projection of all the the banner, whatever the shape.
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