0 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)
is there again the possibility, as in previous years, to announce a supplier for the cans. This would again provide uniform game elements and the surprises in the competitions would remain manageable :-).

Are the cans made of metal that can be magnetized or aluminium?

Can you also specify the material/wood used for the platforms or how heavy a board is?


1 Answer

0 votes
ago by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer

There is no official supplier for the food cans, its an international standard for cans dimension used by all cans maker, so you can find it in any supermaket (but you just have to empty it, good lunch).
I'm not sure that the food cans can be found in aluminium... but for the cup we will check that all cans can be magnetized.
ago by (0 points)
Hi, you mentioned that the cans are standardized, but there are still some minor variations, such as the bottom shape and the surface texture (whether it has waves or is flat). Are you going to specify a particular type of can, or are we expected to design a robot that can handle all types of cans within the given dimensions?
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