0 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

I wanted to ask some questions regarding the fixed beacons outside the playing area.

1)If the beacons have some powered components in them, like a low power light or an ultrasonic emitter, do they have to have an emergency stop even if there is no movement or "hazardous action".

2)What is considered a "high power light source". For example is a 3 watt IR led considered low or high power.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good evening!

1) as says in the rule : The emergency stop is mandatory if the beacon including moving parts or potentially dangerous components, so in your case it's not mandatory, but you can still put it on the beacon.

2) The "high power light source" are for light which can be dangerous for the eyes of people around the table. So because we can't see the IR light, this kind of led is allowed.

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