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in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

After reading the final version of the rules, I have a few questions that needs to be confirmed:

1. Will you inspect main robot’s avoidance of SIMAs by putting a lower obstacle during the homologation?

2. Can an aruco tag be placed on a SIMA to get a more precise localization?

3. How do you define that a SIMA is in contact with a pot or a plant? Can the plant/pot be moved a little?

4. Is it correct that if two SIMAs touch plants/pots in two different drop-areas, the highest score is 5+5+5+5=20, no matter how many more SIMAs are inside each area touching plants/pots? (i.e. you can’t get the extra points repeatedly.)

5. Similar to 4., if one SIMA touches two plants/pots at the same time, does it count 5+5=10 extra points?

Look forward to your reply.


Will Chang

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer


1) Indeed, the avoidance system of the simas will be tested during the homologation.

2) You can add an AruCo tag on your simas if you want.
As written in the rules :
- The blue team can use the tags 51 up to 70
- The yellow team can use the tags 71 up to 90

3) We consider a sima in contact with a plant / pot when the is direct contact between one point of the sima and one point of the plant / pot.
You can move the plant / pot, since you don't put in/out the plant/pot in a drop-area.

4) Yes, it's like this.
You can gain only :
- 5 points for each drop-area containing a sima
- 5 points for each drop-area where at least one sima is in contact with a plant or a pot containing a plant

5) No, as mentioned earlier, you will score only one time for each drop-area.

Good luck !

by [Referee] (100k points)
Just had to add to this answer. Sorry for that :D

thanks @Kmikaz for the answer.

1) if your robot is always without movement after the 90 second mark, you might request, that the robot is not being tested for SIMA Avoidance. In this case Referees will make a note of that and if they see your bot moving after 90 seconds, your bot faces harsh consequences (for example forfeit). so it is better to have a avoidance system for SIMAs.

2) keep in mind, that you will not be allowed to put a Aruco Tag on the SIMA of the opposing team.
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